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Bearing Selection


Basically, the function of the bearings is to improve the efficiency of the reducer, since they limit the energy losses that occur during the use of the machine, either due to the function of the gears or due to the overheating of the gearbox, which It is very true that they play too important a role.

In the design of the bearings it is extremely important to take into account several factors to meet the commercial and mechanical needs, as well as their application in each case. Some elements such as the efficiency of the mechanism, its noise levels, or its durability and reliability, are key points that should never go unnoticed. Likewise, choosing the right bearings for each project or application is essential to improve their performance and operation in the machine.

To design a bearing it is necessary to be alert and aware of some factors, considering efficiency, minimum possible noise level, durability and quality important. It is, for this reason, that the choice of bearings plays a decisive role in the manufacturing process of the machine. A large number of factors must be taken into account in the bearing design process, this will make a difference:


-Heat transfer

-Material properties


-Resistance to corrosion

-Form and type of lubrication

-Operating speeds

-Mounting types


In order to choose the ideal bearings it will make a difference to use a selection procedure to define which bearing is best suited for a specific application. The purpose of this process is that the bearings are thoroughly examined from different points of view, such as speed and operating conditions.

The list of possible applications for bearings is endless because they are used in a very wide variety of conditions and in different environments. In fact, the range of operating conditions and the possibilities of bearings tend to expand more and more as technology advances.

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